Monday, October 20, 2008


Rainy Monday morning, What to expect is the question of the day. After listening toArchie Dick, I feel really positive. Becoming a researcher seems to be something I would really like to explore. The scary part is being peer reviewed. I can just imagine doing something that I think is great and someone else classifying it us junk. Should one really put yourself out for the wolves? But I guess it would be exciting. Wouldn't it? The benefits one would personally gain is just enormous. The Carnegie Corporation has made so much possible. Here I am with people I would have never met, exchanging knowledge I would never had gain, and dreaming dreams I would not have even think about. Awesome huh


At November 7, 2008 at 10:22 AM , Blogger Mandy said...

Hi Ray,

What I found most helpful was the suggestion that we shouldn't identify TOO closely with our projects/writings: ie that criticism of our work or writing is NOT criticism of ourselves.


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